Download datasets



Please go to Gida-V1, download the dataset, and place it into a folder, say /Dataset.


For the first-time user, please refer to the script and review the GidaV6.__init__ function. A minimal example is also provided at the end of the script.

The data interface GidaV6 will take node (edge) attributes and output a set of records. Each records is a Data instance (visit here for more information). This Data contains a snapshot graph described by the (sparsed) adjacency matrix A, nodal feature X, and edge feature E. Also, if label is available, we have label Y corresponding to either node or edge. In the case both edge and node sets have their own labels, Y is for label of nodes, while E_Y stands for label of edges.

Assume you want to load the train set of Anytown network, a very simple interface can be declared as follow:

from gigantic_dataset.core.datasets import GidaV6
gida = GidaV6(
                r"./Dataset/",    # Anytown datset
                "demand",                                                             # load nodal demand
            edge_attrs=["pipe_diameter", "pipe_length"],                              # load some properites at edge
            label_attrs=["pressure"],                                                 # expect labels Y are pressure
            edge_label_attrs=["flowrate"],                                            # expect edge labels E_Y are flowrate
            split_set="train",                                                        # take train set only
            num_records=100,                                                          # take only 100 records
            selected_snapshots=None,                                                  # take all snapshots
# You can call a record directly
print(gida[0]) # Data instance
# Or via a data loader
from torch_geometric.loader import DataLoader
loader = DataLoader(gida, batch_size=1)
print(next(iter(loader))) #Batch instance